801 South Grand

In struttura Parcheggio
400 Posti • $$$$
4 Reviews
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801 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90017, US
(310) 642-7740
801 South Grand
801 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90017, US
(310) 642-7740
(323) 881-0808
In struttura Parcheggio
801 South Grand
801 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90017, US
801 South Grand


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801 South Grand


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Parcheggio Coperto
Non Ostacolato
Parking Lighting
Carte di Credito Accettate
Parcheggia e Chiudi a Chiave
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 400
Total Handicap Spaces 8
Operatore United Valet Parking

Lost Ticket Pay Max
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 - This place is filthy! Trash all over the lot in every level. This morning, human feces in elevator lobby. At the end of the day it was still there. By now the entire 4th level stunk! I had to move my car to another level because the smell was soooo bad! Meanwhile, the attendant is in the hut laid back in a chair feet up on his phone.
- Gwen M.
 - I stuck there because ticketing machine didn't work on exit. Parking attendant was absent, so I spend 30 minutes waiting and they didn't answer a phone call! don't park
- Anna K.
 - This lot was closed at 5:45pm on Sunday. ParkMe says it's open 24 hours, and the signage by the gate simply says "Monday - Sunday" for hours of operation. But an attendant behind the gate said the garage closes early, claiming the hours are posted on the sign, "Right there." The one that says "Monday - Sunday."
- Daniel C.
 - This lot was closed at 5:45pm on Sunday. ParkMe says it's open 24 hours, and the signage by the gate simply says "Monday - Sunday" for hours of operation. But an attendant behind the gate said the garage closes early, claiming the hours are posted on the sign, "Right there." The one that says "Monday - Sunday."
- Daniel C.
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