Gare Saint-Lambert

112 Vagas • $
210 Avenue Saint-Laurent
Saint-Lambert, QC J4R 2S1, CA
(514) 287-8726
Gare Saint-Lambert
210 Avenue Saint-Laurent
Saint-Lambert, QC J4R 2S1, CA
(514) 287-8726
Gare Saint-Lambert
210 Avenue Saint-Laurent
Saint-Lambert, QC J4R 2S1, CA
Gare Saint-Lambert


Detalhes da Reserva
Gare Saint-Lambert


Informações do Motorista
Informações de Pagamento

Tabela de Preços
Horário de Funcionamento
24 Horas
Proibido pernoite
Outras Informações

Parking Lighting
Sem caixa assistido
Endereço do prédio
Tipo Non-restricted
Vagas 112
Operador Réseau de Transport Métropolitain (RTM)

For overnight parking certain rules must be followed:
-You must register your vehicle by completing the online form, or by phoning our Customer Service.
-You must be a public transit user.
-Once registered, you have a 24-hour period to collect your vehicle.
-Overnight parking is allowed on the entire site, except in the following areas: paid parking, spaces for carpools, parking spaces for the disabled, drop-offs or other areas requiring a hang tag.
-Overnight parking is available in all our parking lots, except for the parking lots at terminus Angrignon and Longueuil, and Cedar Park, Valois and Pointe-Claire parking lots.

Please note that the form must be submitted before 7 pm on weekdays or before 3 pm on weekends and public holidays in order to park your car the same evening of your registration.
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