Sunshine Station

80 Vagas • $$
357 Bilsen Rd
Geebung, QLD 4034, AU
+61 7 3072 2222
Sunshine Station
357 Bilsen Rd
Geebung, QLD 4034, AU
+61 7 3072 2222
Sunshine Station
357 Bilsen Rd
Geebung, QLD 4034, AU
Sunshine Station


Detalhes da Reserva
Sunshine Station


Informações do Motorista
Informações de Pagamento

Tabela de Preços
Horário de Funcionamento

Sem dados de horário de funcionamento.
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Outras Informações

Video Monitoring
Parking Lighting
Sem caixa assistido
Tipo Non-restricted
Vagas 80
Operador Queensland Rail

Queensland Rail Australian Phone:
13 16 17
Translink Phone Numbers:
+61 7 3851 8700
13 12 30
A vehicle may be parked at a park 'n' ride from first until the last service. If a vehicle is parked longer than this, staff will alert relevant authorities regarding the unattended vehicle.
Avalie esse estacionamento

 - There is not enough car parking at Sunshine Station. Queensland Rail needs to cut an access in the kerb to enable people to easily drive onto the grass area to park. They are parking on the grass anyway so providing an access so vehicles don't get damaged would be nice.
- Sylvia G.
Show Occupancy