RBC Gateway

258 Vagas • $$$
34 S 3rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55401, US
(800) 291-6111
RBC Gateway
34 S 3rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55401, US
(800) 291-6111
(866) 223-7056
RBC Gateway
34 S 3rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55401, US
RBC Gateway


Detalhes da Reserva
RBC Gateway


Informações do Motorista
Informações de Pagamento

Tabela de Preços

Não Há Tarifas Avulsas Disponíveis

Amex, Dinheiro, Moedas, Debit Card, Diners, Mastercard / Visa, Comprar Zona Azul
Horário de Funcionamento

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Outras Informações

Vagas Cobertas
Parking Lighting
Aceita Cartões de Crédito
Estacione e Leve a Chave
Endereço do prédio
250 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55401, US
Tipo Restricted
Vagas 258
Operador Towne Park
Avalie esse estacionamento

 - I come into work and park here about 3am Monday through Thursday. Almost every MOnday morning there are multiple cars of people parked in the lot still partying from the Sunday night scene. I am sure the construction company would not appreciate them hanging out by their equipment and they leave garbage. It is very unnerving to have them there when I come in to work. I lock my car, pay and walk as fast as I can to get out of there. This is EVERY Monday morning about 3am.....jhickstrick@comcast.net I only rate a 2 star because this lot is never patrolled. It is convenient and usually fine but Sunday night to early Monday morning it is always the same. I have seen drug deals going down there before too.
- Jodi H.
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