Lot 31

40 Vagas • $$$
1331 Harrison St
Oakland, CA 94612, US
(510) 444-7412
Lot 31
1331 Harrison St
Oakland, CA 94612, US
(510) 444-7412
(800) 877-9984
Lot 31
1331 Harrison St
Oakland, CA 94612, US
Lot 31


Detalhes da Reserva
Lot 31


Informações do Motorista
Informações de Pagamento

Tabela de Preços
Por Hora
Diária Máxima
Impostos Inclusos

Comprar Zona Azul
Horário de Funcionamento
24 Horas
Outras Informações

Parking Lighting
Estacione e Leve a Chave
Tipo Non-restricted
Vagas 40
Total Handicap Spaces 2
Operador Douglas Parking
Avalie esse estacionamento

 - Catalytic converter cut out of car between noon and 5 PM with lot at 85% capacity. Better to park in secure lot or on the street where thieves can be seen more readily.
- Craig C.
 - this parking lot needs fencing to limit evening and overnight access to it, because it turned into a hot spot for illegal parties, graffiting, dumping trash and side car shows. I am positive that nobody pays for parking in the evenings nor overnight. I live an entire block away and my apartment is consistently shaking thursday through sunday due to loud music and bass coming from this parking lot. this has been happening well before the pandemic hit, during the pandemic it spun out of control, and now that the gallery art bar nightclub (310 14th street) reopened- the parties are simply insane going till 4am consistently. this is disturbing sleep an entire block away from the epicenter of these illegal parties and I cannot imagine what the people in the old folks home for low income seniors at hotel oakland + the SRO hotel harrison are experiencing. calling the opd have not been productive thus far.
- O L.
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