Fourth Street Parking Deck

Structure Lot
176 Spaces • $$$$$
5 Reviews
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601-633 W 4th St
Winston-Salem, NC 27101, US
Fourth Street Parking Deck
601-633 W 4th St
Winston-Salem, NC 27101, US
Structure Lot
Fourth Street Parking Deck
601-633 W 4th St
Winston-Salem, NC 27101, US
Fourth Street Parking Deck


Reservation Details
Fourth Street Parking Deck


Driver Info
Payment Info

Each 30 Min
3 Hours
5 Hours
Daily Max

Amex, Bills, Coins, Debit card, MC/Visa
Monthly Rates
Hours of Operation
24 Hours

Covered Parking
Open 24/7
Credit Cards Accepted
Building Address
Type Non-restricted
Total Spaces 176
Operator Preferred Parking Service

Monthly Rates Depend On the Availability of Other Spaces
Monthly (9 or Fewer Spaces Rented): $65
Monthly (10-30 Spaces Rented): $60
Monthly (31-50 Spaces Rented): $55
Monthly (51-70 Spaces Rented): $50
Monthly (71 or More Spaces Rented): $45
Monthly (Reserved): $95
Rate this lot

 - I had a great time at this car park. The prices are very reasonable and there are always spaces. My registration number is 3ktt0P4.
- Valkyrie C.
 - I had a great time at this car park. The prices are very reasonable and there are always spaces. My registration number is 3ktt0P4.
- Valkyrie C.
 - I had a great time at this car park. The prices are very reasonable and there are always spaces. My registration number is 3ktt0P4.
- Valkyrie C.
 - I had a great time at this car park. The prices are very reasonable and there are always spaces. My registration number is 3ktt0P4.
- Valkyrie C.
 - I had a great time at this car park. The prices are very reasonable and there are always spaces. My registration number is 3ktt0P4.
- Valkyrie C.
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