Bethesda Crossing

Interrato Parcheggio
129 Posti • $$$
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7301 Waverly St
Bethesda, MD 20814, US
(215) 829-8200
Bethesda Crossing
7301 Waverly St
Bethesda, MD 20814, US
(215) 829-8200
(240) 605-9436
Interrato Parcheggio
Bethesda Crossing
7301 Waverly St
Bethesda, MD 20814, US
Bethesda Crossing


Dettagli Prenotazione
Bethesda Crossing


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

1 Ora
2 Ore
Massima Giornaliera
Early bird
inBy 9am / uscita entro 10pm
Uscita Entro 5am
Orario ricalcolo tariffe 12am

Amex, Banconote, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Discover, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Parcheggio Coperto
Carte di Credito Accettate
Indirizzo dell'Edificio
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 129
Operatore REEF Technology

Overnight Rate Applies to Vehicles Staying Past 12am

Lot Attended Mon-Fri 6am-10pm and Sat-Sun 12pm-12am
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - The worst parking garage ever. The payment machine does not work at all. I am hearing impaired and unfortunately the machine is not following the ADA Law. May consider calling the ADA office about this. How the heck am I to "call" when I am hearing impaired ? My ticket was stucked !! I pressed the call button several times and got no assistance !!!!! I spend nearly 30 minutes looking for assistance. The customer service at 4550 Montgomery avenue above the garage was not helpful to make a call when I told them I was deaf and needed assistance. Once I get the credit card posted, I am going to dispute all the cost !!! I should only be billed for 2 hours since I parked exactly 1 hours and 50 minutes but due to the machine and no assistance I got billed for over 2 hours !!!! Is that my fault .. The faulty machine needs to go !!! . No So hence for all this trouble the credit card charge will totally be disputed !!! Really really sneaky parking charges !!!
- Linny
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