3833 Fairfax Dr. Ballston Medical Center

A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
74 Posti • $$$
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3830 10th St N
Arlington, VA 22201, US
(240) 353-9493
3833 Fairfax Dr. Ballston Medical Center
3830 10th St N
Arlington, VA 22201, US
(240) 353-9493
(202) 833-9357
A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
3833 Fairfax Dr. Ballston Medical Center
3830 10th St N
Arlington, VA 22201, US
3833 Fairfax Dr. Ballston Medical Center


Dettagli Prenotazione
3833 Fairfax Dr. Ballston Medical Center


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

Ogni 30 Min
Massima Giornaliera

Banconote, Monete, Paybyphone
Orari di Apertura

Non Ostacolato
Parking Lighting
Parcheggia e Chiudi a Chiave
Indirizzo dell'Edificio
3833 Fairfax Dr
Arlington, VA 22201, US
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 74
Total Handicap Spaces 4
Operatore Monument Parking
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - On Monday, February 18th I walked by the parking lot and witnessed the parking security guard leave his stand with a bag of trash and throw it down the water drain on the main street. He saw me looking and didn't seem to care one bit. I was horrified that someone could be that blatantly ignorant to throw their trash into our water systems. I will never park in any of the Monument parking lots, word of advice put a trash can in your guards posts!
- Emily H.
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