The Parking Spot Premium - (DFW Airport)

A raso - coperto Parcheggio
1056 Posti • $$$$$
3 Reviews
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5100 W John Carpenter Fwy
Dallas, TX 75261, US
(972) 915-3672
The Parking Spot Premium - (DFW Airport)
5100 W John Carpenter Fwy
Dallas, TX 75261, US
(972) 915-3672
(972) 265-5440
A raso - coperto Parcheggio
The Parking Spot Premium - (DFW Airport)
5100 W John Carpenter Fwy
Dallas, TX 75261, US
The Parking Spot Premium - (DFW Airport)


Dettagli Prenotazione
The Parking Spot Premium - (DFW Airport)


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

Massima Giornaliera
Tax Not Included

Amex, Banconote, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Discover, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Parcheggio Coperto
Parking Lighting
Carte di Credito Accettate
Parcheggia e Chiudi a Chiave
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 1056
Operatore The Parking Spot

Premium Covered: $17.50/day ($17.25 with pre-pay)
Premium Extra-wide, Uncovered: $17.50/day ($17.25 with pre-pay)
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - We have used The Parking Spot 2 on several occasions in 2016-2017 when we have traveled (both my husband and I alone and also as a family). For the most part we are pleased with the service we have received. 2 out of 3 trips we had shuttle drivers that were pleasant and helpful. 1 time we had a driver that had difficulty even lifting our standard luggage, so my husband did all the hard lifting. 2 out of 3 times we were met when we arrived and when we left, with a pleasant person at the front tower. One time we had to wait because the person working in the tower must have been on break and was visibly disturbed when she had to come out and help us. We tried to be friendly, but she wanted nothing to do with that. transportation out of the facility is faster than pick up at the airport, but the delay at the airport wasn't awful. it was about 15-20 minutes. There may be better service/ lots to go with, but we will stick with this because of the convenience and we get covered parking every time.
- Maria H.
 - First time customer. Regret this choice tremendously. From not being told what to do when I arrive, and walking to the front only to have a driver refuse to pick me up to having to wait 45 minutes for a shuttle because the shuttle driver who saw me approaching, decided not to wait an additional few seconds to allow me to board. Beyond irritated.
- Lilly H.
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