Ocean Gateway

In struttura Parcheggio
106 Posti • $$$
2 Reviews
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167 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101, US
(207) 747-4230
Ocean Gateway
167 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101, US
(207) 747-4230
In struttura Parcheggio
Ocean Gateway
167 Fore St
Portland, ME 04101, US
Ocean Gateway


Dettagli Prenotazione
Ocean Gateway


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

1 Ora
Ogni ulteriore ora
24 Ore

Amex, Banconote, Monete, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Parcheggio Coperto
Carte di Credito Accettate
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 106
Operatore Unified Parking Partners
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - Absolutely a rip off. DO NOT park here, do not give them your money. $50 for ~10 hours of parking during a snow ban.
- Zach B.
 - There are no rate signs in the facility and no one to talk to about the rates. I was overcharged - and need to have my charges corrected. There was no button on the exit machine for me to call someone. If I needed assistance which I did there was no sign for whom to call in an emergency.
- Sandra T.
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