Medical Center Parking

Interrato Parcheggio
220 Posti • $$$$
2 Reviews
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3838 California St
San Francisco, CA 94118, US
(415) 227-0114
Medical Center Parking
3838 California St
San Francisco, CA 94118, US
(415) 227-0114
(877) 909-6199
Interrato Parcheggio
Medical Center Parking
3838 California St
San Francisco, CA 94118, US
Medical Center Parking


Dettagli Prenotazione
Medical Center Parking


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

Ogni 30 Min
4 Ore
24 Ore

Amex, Banconote, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura

Parcheggio Coperto
Parking Lighting
Carte di Credito Accettate
Parcheggia e Chiudi a Chiave
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 220
Total Handicap Spaces 1
Operatore REEF Technology

Lost Ticket Pays Max
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - Backing out of my space on P5, scraped my paint and broke my tail light on the FIRE EXTINGUISHER on the wall next to the ramp from P4. Terrible spot for it. I was in the end spot and focused on not damaging my side mirror when I heard the scrape. I'm so bummed. Just had bodywork/paint done on the car. Put the fire extinguisher in another spot!
- Sherry B.
 - Backing out of my space on P5, scraped my paint and broke my tail light on the FIRE EXTINGUISHER on the wall next to the ramp from P4. Terrible spot for it. I was in the end spot and focused on not damaging my side mirror when I heard the scrape. I'm so bummed. Just had bodywork/paint done on the car. Put the fire extinguisher in another spot!
- Sherry M.
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