YVR - Cell Phone Waiting Area

A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
160 Posti • $$
3 Reviews
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Aviation Ave
Richmond, BC V7B 0A4, CA
(604) 207-7077
YVR - Cell Phone Waiting Area
Aviation Ave
Richmond, BC V7B 0A4, CA
(604) 207-7077
A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
YVR - Cell Phone Waiting Area
Aviation Ave
Richmond, BC V7B 0A4, CA
YVR - Cell Phone Waiting Area


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YVR - Cell Phone Waiting Area


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Orari di Apertura
Temporarily Chiuso

Indirizzo dell'Edificio
3211 Grant McConachie Way
Richmond, BC V7B 0A4, CA
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 160
Operatore Vancouver Airport Authority

Avoid circling the terminals while you wait for your party to arrive. The Cellphone Waiting Area is a small complimentary lot located across from jetSet Parking on Aviation Avenue.
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - Drive slowly. It is better than circling the terminal many times over. Relax, listen to the radio, read a paper. So thankful to have this parking lot.
- Patricia M.
 - Everywhere I can leave reviews for something in this city there's always someone called Wendy complaining about something insignificant like MINOR potholes. Its ridiculous. This parking lot is free. It's fine while you wait.
- David L.
 - This parking lot is horrible. In the rain it resembles the surface of the moon. It is so full of giant crater like holes. It is one thing to be unpaved but this is ridiculous. I am seriously worried about even driving slowly through here.
- Wendy W.