50 West

Interrato Parcheggio
560 Posti • $$$
4 Reviews
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50 W San Fernando St
San Jose, CA 95113, US
(408) 283-5068
50 West
50 W San Fernando St
San Jose, CA 95113, US
(408) 283-5068
Interrato Parcheggio
50 West
50 W San Fernando St
San Jose, CA 95113, US
50 West


Dettagli Prenotazione
50 West


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

Ogni 15 Min
Massima Giornaliera
Lun-Gio;indopo 6pm
Ven;indopo 6pm
Orario ricalcolo tariffe 6am

Amex, Banconote, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Discover, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Parcheggio Coperto
Parking Lighting
Carte di Credito Accettate
Parcheggia e Chiudi a Chiave
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 560
Operatore Network Parking

Lost Ticket Pays Max
Add'l Phone: (415) 284-5700
Does Not Accept San Jose City Validations
Monthly (Unreserved): $140
Monthly (Reserved): $275
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - I parked on a Thursday night at 5:22pm. The sign said parking was $6 for the night after 6pm. Before 6pm, the rates were posted as $1.25/15 min. I left at 9:45 pm and I expected to pay for three 15 minute periods plus $6 for the rest of the night--a total of $9.75. Instead I was shocked to be billed $24 upon checkout! The attendant told me the rate continued at $1.25/15 minutes for the whole night if I checked in before 6pm. Ridiculous! He pointed to a sign way off to the side that I'm sure nobody sees. Terribly unfair and misleading business practice! I won't ever park there again.
- Robert G.
 - good place were about to go san jose musuem of art it seems really good
- Bob H.
 - good place were about to go san jose musuem of art it seems really good
- Bob H.
 - good place were about to go san jose musuem of art it seems really good
- Bob H.
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