Lurke Street Car Park

Interrato Parcheggio
243 Posti • £££
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5 Lurke St
Bedford, England MK40 3HZ, UK
+44 1234 718057
Lurke Street Car Park
5 Lurke St
Bedford, England MK40 3HZ, UK
+44 1234 718057
Interrato Parcheggio
Lurke Street Car Park
5 Lurke St
Bedford, England MK40 3HZ, UK
Lurke Street Car Park


Dettagli Prenotazione
Lurke Street Car Park


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

1 Ora
Lun-Ven; 6am-6pm
2 Ore
Lun-Ven; 6am-6pm
3 Ore
Lun-Ven; 6am-6pm
4 Ore
Lun-Ven; 6am-6pm
5 Ore
Lun-Ven; 6am-6pm
Lun-Ven; 6am-6pm
2 Ore
Sab; 6am-6pm
3 Ore
Sab; 6am-6pm
4 Ore
Sab; 6am-6pm
5 Ore
Sab; 6am-6pm
6 Ore
Sab; 6am-6pm
7 Ore
Sab; 6am-6pm
Sab; 6am-6pm

Banconote, Monete, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Parcheggio Coperto
Non Ostacolato
Video Monitoring
Parking Lighting
Parcheggia e Chiudi a Chiave
Indirizzo dell'Edificio
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 243
Operatore Bedford Borough Council

Add'l phone +44 123 471 8359
Annually: £1425
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - Used this car park for the first time. My wife was in a wheelchair. Several disabled parking spaces were available and easy to find on floor 1. The surrounding area was spacious. The parking payment was suspended for some reason. That is where the good news finished. There was little signage so it was difficult to find the accessible way out. We wandered around until another parker pointed us in the direction of the lifts which were hidden behind a door which was difficult to see from where we were parked and had a stairs sign. That door was very narrow and difficult to negotiate with a wheelchair, especially when returning to the car park where the door opens towards the chair. A disabled person on their own would find it impossible; we had to ask for someone to hold the door. There were two lifts but they were very small and had small doors. Our wheelchair just about fitted into the lift with a couple of inches to spare. It would have been much easier to use the vehicle entrance but that has a notice saying it is forbidden to pedestrians. The notice about where to pay referred to a street name which is no help at all to a visitor from out of town. Solutions: Put a notice near the disabled parking bays pointing to the lift. Add more signage to the pay machines and show the direction, not the street name. Improve the door to the lift/stairs area - widen it and/or make it electric or perhaps swinging both ways?
- Michael D.
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