Templar St Car Park

A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
238 Posti • £££
valuta questo posto
8 Templar St
Leeds, England LS2 7PF, UK
+44 20 7563 3000
Templar St Car Park
8 Templar St
Leeds, England LS2 7PF, UK
+44 20 7563 3000
A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
Templar St Car Park
8 Templar St
Leeds, England LS2 7PF, UK
Templar St Car Park


Dettagli Prenotazione
Templar St Car Park


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

Ogni Ora
8 Ore
24 Ore

Banconote, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
Temporarily Chiuso

Non Ostacolato
Video Monitoring
Parking Lighting
Pay & Display
Non Custodito
Indirizzo dell'Edificio
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 238
Operatore Euro Car Parks

Additional Central Office phone:
+44 207 563 3000
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - Do not use. This car park will overcharge you. I parked here to go to the theatre last night arriving between 1850 and 1900. My payment receipt time is 2159 but the machine charged me £10 (over 4 hrs rate) incorrectly stating I had stayed 4hrs 3mins. I was 3 mins over 3 hours which should have been £8 and if there hadn't been a queue of people waiting to pay at the single available machine (all theatregoers leaving at same time) then I would have been under the 3 hrs, so £6 fee. This is supposed to be ANPR technology at its best but it totally miscalculated 3 hrs as 4 hrs and overcharged me. Also beware of going even a minute over an hour period as it will charge you for another full hour.
- Rosie P.