1040 NE Colorado St Parking

A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
70 Posti • $$$$
2249 Grimes Way
Pullman, WA 99163, US
(509) 335-7275
1040 NE Colorado St Parking
2249 Grimes Way
Pullman, WA 99163, US
(509) 335-7275
A raso all'aperto Parcheggio
1040 NE Colorado St Parking
2249 Grimes Way
Pullman, WA 99163, US
1040 NE Colorado St Parking


Dettagli Prenotazione
1040 NE Colorado St Parking


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

Massima Giornaliera
10 Giorni
Tax Not Included

Amex, Banconote, Assegni, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Non Ostacolato
Parking Lighting
Carte di Credito Accettate
Non Custodito
Indirizzo dell'Edificio
1040 NE Colorado St
Pullman, WA 99163, US
Tipo Permit Only
Totale Posti Auto 70
Operatore Washington State University

Vacation Period Daily Permit Rates: $1.81

Departmental One-Hour Permits:
1 Hour: $2

Departmental Two-Hour Permits:
2 Hours: $4

Annual Yellow Parking Permits:
09/01/18 - $298.61
09/15/18 - $286.17
10/01/18 - $273.73
10/15/18 - $261.28
11/01/18 - $248.84
11/15/18 - $236.40
12/01/18 - $223.96
12/15/18 - $211.52
01/01/19 - $199.07
01/15/19 - $186.63
02/01/19 - $174.19
02/15/19 - $161.75
03/01/19 - $149.31
03/15/19 - $136.86
04/01/19 - $124.42
04/15/19 - $111.98
05/01/19 - $99.54
05/15/19 - $87.09
06/01/19 - $74.65
06/15/19 - $62.21
07/01/19 - $49.77
07/15/19 - $37.33
08/01/19 - $24.88
08/15/19 - $12.44

A yellow 4 permit is valid in the yellow 4 zone and in any red, or blue zone. It is not valid in any other yellow zones. This parking permit is valid in the Student Recreation Center parking lot.
Permit Only
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