Münchner Str. 2a Parking

484 Vagas • €€€€€
Münchner Str. 2a
Neufahrn bei Freising, BY 85375, DE
+49 8165 647630
Münchner Str. 2a Parking
Münchner Str. 2a
Neufahrn bei Freising, BY 85375, DE
+49 8165 647630
Münchner Str. 2a Parking
Münchner Str. 2a
Neufahrn bei Freising, BY 85375, DE
Münchner Str. 2a Parking


Detalhes da Reserva
Münchner Str. 2a Parking


Informações do Motorista
Informações de Pagamento

Tabela de Preços
2 Dias
3 Dias
4 Dias
6 Dias
8 Dias
10 Dias
13 Dias
15 Dias
20 Dias
23 Dias
30 Dias
60 Dias
Impostos Inclusos

Dinheiro, Moedas, Debit Card
Horário de Funcionamento
24 Horas
Outras Informações

Tipo Reservation Only
Vagas 484
Operador Parkservice Presser

Additional Phone numbers:
Mobile: +415111312891
or Mobile: +49 15111312892

Prices are for a parking space (1 car up to 5 persons including luggage).
Included in the price is the transfer to Munich Airport and back with our shuttle buses.

A supplement of €5for each additional person.
Bulky luggage €10 per package (bike case, surfboard, etc.) Bicycles are transported only packed.

10 € surcharge for arrivals before 04.00 clock - only on request
Reservation Only
Avalie esse estacionamento

 - Abholer irrte herum, hatte keine genauen Daten, fuhr nicht direkt zu unserem Fahrzeug, da andere Fahrzeuge (die dem Betrieb gehören - nicht anderen Gästen) durch den Schotter beschädigte werden könnten.
- Chill S.
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