Emergency Parking A

Subterranean Lot
146 Spaces • $$$
711 20th St
Knoxville, TN 37916, US
(865) 525-8438
Emergency Parking A
711 20th St
Knoxville, TN 37916, US
(865) 525-8438
(844) 472-7577
Subterranean Lot
Emergency Parking A
711 20th St
Knoxville, TN 37916, US
Emergency Parking A


Reservation Details
Emergency Parking A


Driver Info
Payment Info

Daily Max

Amex, Bills, Coins, Debit card, Discover, MC/Visa
Hours of Operation

Covered Parking
Over 7ft. Clearance
Parking Lighting
Credit Cards Accepted
Park & Lock
Type Restricted
Total Spaces 146
Operator SP Plus
Max Height 7 ft. 6 in. (2.29 meters)

Add'l COP: (865) 541-8000
Remember to bring in the ticket from the parking garage. For outpatient services, families will be issued a one-day pass for free parking; for overnight stays, families will be issued one weekly pass for free parking. Weekly passes will be reissued for families of children hospitalized longer than one week.
Parking attendant: 7:30am-8pm
Validation for inpatients. Admitting will issue weekly passes (one per family) upon admission. If your pass has expired, bring it to the Admitting office.
Outpatient testing patients receive one pass per family for free parking on the day of service. The pass is issued at Admitting.
Surgery patients also receive one pass per family. Their passes are issued in the Surgery department.
Ministers can receive a pass for free parking by stopping at the front desk in Admitting and signing in. Volunteers there will get your name and who you are there to see, issue a special Clergy badge, and give you the parking pass when you leave.
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