Gaillard Garage

Structure Lot
596 Spaces • $$$
3 Reviews
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33 Alexander St
Charleston, SC 29403, US
(843) 242-3099
Gaillard Garage
33 Alexander St
Charleston, SC 29403, US
(843) 242-3099
(843) 805-3232
Structure Lot
Gaillard Garage
33 Alexander St
Charleston, SC 29403, US
Gaillard Garage


Reservation Details
Gaillard Garage


Driver Info
Payment Info

Each 30 Min
Daily Max
Rates Reset At 12am

Amex, Bills, Coins, Debit card, MC/Visa
Hours of Operation
24 Hours

EV Charger
Handicap Spaces
Covered Parking
Open 24/7
Over 7ft. Clearance
Parking Lighting
Credit Cards Accepted
Park & Lock
Type Non-restricted
Total Spaces 596
Total Handicap Spaces 6
Operator ABM
Max Height 8 ft. 0 in. (2.44 meters)

Lost Ticket Pays $30
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 - I am concerned that I was charged twice for entry into the parking structure. I enjoy the accessibility, but am concerned that since I used a gift card to purchase the $5 parking I may have been charged incorrectly. Although I requested a receipt, I was not given one upon exit. In checking the balance, I was charged $5 and $3. Is this customary? If not, how to I request a refund for the overcharge?
- Cecelia A.
 - Great parking spaces leading directly inside so you don't get rained on. And I love narcissistic reviews like Karen's because it goes to show how pathetic people are these days. And Manager, you better make sure to let Karen T out of the garage when she's ready she has more important people to insult than you, you public servant making $11/hr coming to work with your economy car.
- Buster H.
 - Manager, I've been parking at the Galliard parking lot for years. Usually when there are events you charge $5.00 when you come in so there is an easy fast access. Tonight that wasn't the case. I guess the manager made a bad decision. I saw the garage was crowded and got lucky and parked on the 1st level and it took me 45 minutes to get out. My husband was on the 3rd level and it took him almost 1 1/2 hours to get out. So much for a good time in Charleston. A poor management decision affects the lives of hundreds of people. I called dispatch to see if they could assist and let those of us trapped out and leave up the exits and allow people to leave. But no, we had to go one by one and use the machines which are actually faster than the attendants when using a credit card. When I left my parking spot initially and policeman nearby on duty for the AME church event and the COFC basketball game new the lot was full and I spoke with him/them about how this would be a parking disaster when the events were over since people would have to pay one by one. He could have done some problem solving to anticipate the situation. Please consider others when making decisions about your parking lot. I will choose another lot in the future if these bad management decisions continue.
- Karen T.
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