CambridgeSide Galleria Upper Garage

Structure Lot
1295 Spaces • $$$
2 Reviews
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88 First St
Cambridge, MA 02141, US
(617) 621-8666
CambridgeSide Galleria Upper Garage
88 First St
Cambridge, MA 02141, US
(617) 621-8666
Structure Lot
CambridgeSide Galleria Upper Garage
88 First St
Cambridge, MA 02141, US
CambridgeSide Galleria Upper Garage


Reservation Details
CambridgeSide Galleria Upper Garage


Driver Info
Payment Info

30 Min
1 Hour
2 Hours
3 Hours
4 Hours
5 Hours
6 Hours
12 Hours
24 Hours

Amex, Bills, Coins, Debit card, MC/Visa
Hours of Operation

Covered Parking
Over 7ft. Clearance
Parking Lighting
Credit Cards Accepted
Park & Lock
Building Address
100 Cambridgeside Pl
Cambridge, MA 02141, US
Type Non-restricted
Total Spaces 1295
Operator CambridgeSide
Max Height 7 ft. 0 in. (2.13 meters)

Lost Ticket Pays Max
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 - This is a great garage, easy to park and decently priced compared to othjer lots. especially for the location. A great place to park for Celtics/Bruins games. short walk to the TD garden along the greenway or you can use the bike bridge (east coast greenway and walk through Paul Revere park to the locks and get over that way. Easy peasey. Plus you are away from the heavy TD garden Causeway Street traffic after the games so you can scoot up into Somerville, Cambridge to get home and jaunt over to 93. Galleria mall has a awesome food court and some shopping you can do before the game or whatever as long as you put the merchandise you buy back in your car before you go over to the Garden. Thereis no $20 minimum posted on the site, you must be mistaken. Or maybe it used to be that way and they changed it since. Now it is no minimum rate, every day is the same and max chargew is $35. you were there 7 hours so you should have actually been charged $35, since you were over 6 hours they actually cut you a break.
- Jeff D.
 - Hello. I parked at Cambridgeside (Upper) on 27 Feb 2018. Clean and bright, easy in-easy out. 7 hours (7:03 Am-2:03 Pm). Was charged 25.00, so rates presented on may not be up to date, since 20.00 max is indicated.
- Ed A.
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