Mason O'Farrell Garage

Subterranean Lot
1144 Spaces • $$$
4 Reviews
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325 Mason St
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
(415) 673-6757
Mason O'Farrell Garage
325 Mason St
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
(415) 673-6757
(866) 624-1520
Subterranean Lot
Mason O'Farrell Garage
325 Mason St
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
Mason O'Farrell Garage


Reservation Details
Mason O'Farrell Garage


Driver Info
Payment Info

1 Hour
Each Add'l 30 Min
24 Hours
Tax Included

Amex, Bills, Coins, Debit card, MC/Visa
Monthly Rates
Hours of Operation
24 Hours

Zip Car
EV Charger
Handicap Spaces
Validation Available
Covered Parking
Open 24/7
Parking Lighting
Credit Cards Accepted
Park & Lock
Type Non-restricted
Total Spaces 1144
Total Handicap Spaces 1
Operator ABM
Max Height 6 ft. 8 in. (2.03 meters)

12 Hours (Mother's Day Special): $28
12 Hours (Downtown Employee Discount): Credentials Required
5 Hours (Theater Discount): $15
24 Hours (In & Out Special): $43
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 - Hello, Do we need to book the parking by anticipation ? we arrive at san francisco the 27th of July and leave the 30th. what will be the costs please ? thank you
- Lois B.
 - Hi, can you please provide a rate for 3 days between 12/08 - 15/08. Only for 1 car. ( Van ) thx in advance br, david
- David F.
 - Please provide the rates for the month of JULY 2023. Thank you
- Jose C.
 - Parked there today 14 December 2018. The notes on this website contain two errors. 1) There is no $15 early bird special. I was in at 9:57 am (their time stamp) and out before 3pm. The machine wanted $35. I canceled the transaction and spoke to the guy in the office. He said they do not have an early bird special. 2) The fee for 12 hours is not $32 as mentioned on this website. For less than 5 hours I had to pay $35. Good points are that the structure is quite easy to get into and leave, and there was space for me to park.
- Peter S.
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