Ex-s shuttle:
1 Day-49 Days: Add'l 1€ to the regular rate
50 Days-61 Days: Add'l 2€ to the regular rate
Exp-s shuttle car park:
1 Day-33 Days: Add'l 11€ to the regular rate
34 Days: Add'l 65€ to the regular rate
35 Days: Add'l 68€ to the regular rate
36 Days: Add'l 69€ to the regular rate
37-39 Days: Add'l 66€ to the regular rate
40 Days: Add'l 64€ to the regular rate
41 Days: Add'l 61€ to the regular rate
42 Days: Add'l 58€ to the regular rate
43 Days: Add'l 56€ to the regular rate
44,61 Days: Add'l 49€ to the regular rate
45,47,49-50 Days: Add'l 46€ to the regular rate
46 Days: Add'l 45€ to the regular rate
48,53,57 Days: Add'l 48€ to the regular rate
51-52,55-56,58-60 Days: Add'l 50€ to the regular rate
54 Days: Add'l 49€ to the regular rate
Express valet:
1 Day (Valet): €25
2 Days (Valet): €35
3 Days (Valet): €50
4 Days (Valet): €65
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €10
8 Days (Valet): €99
10 Days (Valet): €105
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €5
14 Days (Valet): €120
15 Days (Valet): €135
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €10
18 Days (Valet): €155
19 Days (Valet): €165
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €5
22 Days (Valet): €175
24 Days (Valet): €180
26 Days (Valet): €185
28 Days (Valet): €190
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €5
38 Days (Valet): €238
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €2
41 Days (Valet): €245
42 Days (Valet): €248
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €2
45 Days (Valet): €255
46 Days (Valet): €258
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €2
49 Days (Valet): €265
50 Days (Valet): €268
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €2
53 Days (Valet): €275
54 Days (Valet): €278
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €2
57 Days (Valet): €285
58 Days (Valet): €288
Each Add'l Day (Valet): €2
61 Days (Valet): €302
Express valet car park:
1 Day-27 Days: Add'l 10€ to the Express valet parking rate
28 Days-37,39,41,43,45,47,49,51 Days: Add'l 15€ to the regular rate
38,42,46,50 Days: Add'l 14€ to the regular rate
40,44,48,52 Days: Add'l 16€ to the regular rate
53,55,57,59 Days: Add'l 25€ to the regular rate
54,58 Days: Add'l 24€ to the regular rate
56 Days: Add'l 26€ to the regular rate
60,61 Days: Add'l 18€ to the regular rate
Reservation Only