101 Ellsworth Garage

Subterranean Lot
82 Spaces • $$$$
17 Reviews
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101 S Ellsworth Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401, US
(312) 274-2000
101 Ellsworth Garage
101 S Ellsworth Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401, US
(312) 274-2000
(415) 595-2033
Subterranean Lot
101 Ellsworth Garage
101 S Ellsworth Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401, US
101 Ellsworth Garage


Reservation Details
101 Ellsworth Garage


Driver Info
Payment Info

Each Hour
Daily Max
Tax Included

Amex, Bills, Coins, Debit card, MC/Visa
Hours of Operation

Covered Parking
Over 7ft. Clearance
Credit Cards Accepted
Building Address
Type Non-restricted
Total Spaces 82
Operator SP Plus
Max Height 7 ft. 0 in. (2.13 meters)

Lost Ticket Pays Max
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 - parking, trash. customer service, trash.
- Cassandra E.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
 - If you try to park on the upper level be very carefull because they have a steel post bolted to the floor about 4 feet from the wall directly in your path of travel and if you hit it you will have thousands of dollars of damage to your vehicle. Many, many vehicles have hit it.
- Randy T.
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