Century Center

Structure Lot
81 Spaces • $$$$$
4 Reviews
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1750 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, HI 96826, US
(808) 926-1512
Century Center
1750 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, HI 96826, US
(808) 926-1512
Structure Lot
Century Center
1750 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, HI 96826, US
Century Center


Reservation Details
Century Center


Driver Info
Payment Info

Each 30 Min
Daily Max
Event Rates Supersede Other Rates

Bills, Coins
Hours of Operation
24 Hours

Covered Parking
Open 24/7
Cash Only
Type Non-restricted
Total Spaces 81
Operator ABM

No Overnight Parking -- Any Vehicle That Goes Beyond The 24 Hours Of Parking Is Charged Accordingly (Residents Exempt)
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 - The parking attendant (small Filipino lady) was extremely rude and insulting. I'm a regular customer supporting a business in this building. They need to get better staff. Terrible to have to deal with her terrible attitude on a weekly basis.
- K M.
 - Indeed reading the reviews the female parking attendant charge an additional fee of $3.00, when having 2 coupon stickers. The duration of time spent was 1hr.
- Joe K.
 - BE AWARE OF PARKING CHARGES HERE!! I entered the parking gate, took the ticket, looked at the older man and asked, do I go through, and he nodded yes. Nearly every space is marked reserved, so I returned after driving to the 4th floor to ask him where I should park. He said in the yellow spaces. I found two spaces with yellow lines marked "Guest" and parked. The people I met with validated the ticket with a stamp. On exiting, I gave the older man the ticket and he asked for my pass? What pass? He said I have to ask (him) for one? How do you know what to ask for? He charged me 12 dollars for 1 hour 15 minutes. This is extortion as another review noted. I won't be back to that parking lot and will comment to the police, though I imagine my comment would be one more among hundreds already received. I'm required to give this review at least one star.
- Walter J.
 - So with so many illicit massage parlors the parking attendant has an extortion scheme going. I went in for 30 minutes to see a business consultant who validated my parking. Upon exiting I was informed first I parked in the wrong spot. I parked between yellow lines, as directed by numerous signage for visitors and was told I was wrong. Next after I pointed the signage out to her, she stated I parked on the wrong floor of the garage. I asked which the "correct" floor was, she declined to answer and again stated I parked wrong. I asked where the signage is directing me to a specific floor. Her response "we don't have to tell you." At this point she then increased the bogus $3 fee to $6 then $12. I pointed out to her that even if the validated parking ticket was not valid that again I was in the building less than hour. I explained what extortion was to her and as I was running late to another appointment I paid the $6 to leave. We played scheming parking attendant. Oh she threatened to call the police also, I invited her to prior to explaining what extortion is. She suddenly decided not to call the police.
- Mark D.
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