Duke-Ontario Parking Garage

In struttura Parcheggio
693 Posti • $$$
2 Reviews
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25 Duke St W
Kitchener, ON N2H 6N7, CA
(519) 741-3400
Duke-Ontario Parking Garage
25 Duke St W
Kitchener, ON N2H 6N7, CA
(519) 741-3400
In struttura Parcheggio
Duke-Ontario Parking Garage
25 Duke St W
Kitchener, ON N2H 6N7, CA
Duke-Ontario Parking Garage


Dettagli Prenotazione
Duke-Ontario Parking Garage


Informazioni Conducente
Informazioni Pagamento

2 Ore
Ogni ulteriore 30 Min

Amex, Banconote, Monete, Carta Di Banca, Mc/Visa
Orari di Apertura
24 Ore

Parcheggio Coperto
Parking Lighting
Carte di Credito Accettate
Non Custodito
Indirizzo dell'Edificio
33 Ontario Street N
Kitchener, ON N2H 6N7, CA
Tipo Non-restricted
Totale Posti Auto 693
Total Handicap Spaces 7
Operatore City of Kitchner

13% HST is not included to the monthly rate. $50 refundable deposit
Valuta questo parcheggio

 - One of the worst parking experiences of my life! As I entered the parking lot, I picked up my ticket and noticed a sign instructing me to take it with me and pay for it at a kiosk on the main floor when I was ready to leave. So, once I was ready to leave, I went to the kiosk to pay, but the experience was far from logical. Instead of inserting my ticket, which is common in most parking garages, I had to struggle to scan a QR code on my ticket. After finally managing to scan the QR code, I was further perplexed when it asked me to press the "Delete" button. The instructions were confusing and poorly worded. Nevertheless, I proceeded to pay with my credit card, and a parking receipt was issued and approved. When it was time to exit the parking lot, I expected to scan the paid QR code and smoothly leave. However, to my dismay, the scanner was positioned in such an awkward way that scanning the QR code seemed virtually impossible. Despite my numerous attempts, I couldn't get it to work. To make matters worse, the screen demanded that I enter my LPN (License Plate Number) and even asked me to pay again for exiting the garage! Frustrated, I decided to call for assistance using the call button, and thankfully, the exit swing arm was lifted so I could finally leave. This entire experience has left a sour taste, and I can confidently say I will never park here again. Whoever designed this payment method should be held accountable for the poor design and usability.
- Jsy T.
 - Hello, I just wanted to bring to your attention that it says on this web page that your parking lot accepts debit cards for payment. We have had some guests come back to our desk in THEMUSEUM saying they cannot use their debit card at the pay stations. They then have to be redirected towards an ATM to get cash. Could you please update your website to reflect all current forms of payment that are accepted?
- Guest S.
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