Hz. Halid Blv. No:31 Parking

Surface sortir
60 Les Places • ₺
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31
İstanbul, İstanbul 34050, TR
+90 212 614 02 87
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31 Parking
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31
İstanbul, İstanbul 34050, TR
+90 212 614 02 87
+90 212 275 24 00
Surface sortir
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31 Parking
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31
İstanbul, İstanbul 34050, TR
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31 Parking


Reservation Details
Hz. Halid Blv. No:31 Parking


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Les Billets, Monnaie, Mc/Visa
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Park & Lock
Building Address
Type Non-restricted
Nombre de places 60
Opérateur Istanbul Trafik Vakfı
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