1110 Travis St. Garage

Struktur Parkeringsplads
318 Pladser • $$$
2 Reviews
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1110 Travis St
Houston, TX 77002, US
(713) 980-7275
1110 Travis St. Garage
1110 Travis St
Houston, TX 77002, US
(713) 980-7275
(713) 228-2221
Struktur Parkeringsplads
1110 Travis St. Garage
1110 Travis St
Houston, TX 77002, US
1110 Travis St. Garage


1110 Travis St. Garage
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Chauffør info

1 Time
4 Timer
24 Timer
iBy 9am / ude efter 1pm

Amex, Regninger, Mønter, Debit Card, Discover, Mc/Visa
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Overdækket parkering
Parking Lighting
Kreditkort accepteret
Parker & lås
Type Non-restricted
Samlet antal pladser 318
Total Handicap Spaces 2
Operatør Park First

Lost Ticket Pays Max
Monthly parking available
Bedøm denne plads

 - Today is 1/13/2021 and I have not had any issues w/ this parking garage. Their early bird special of $9.00 (in before 9AM; out after 1:30PM) is within my budget. I usually get in around 8:30AM and I catch a spot on the 2nd level. In the morning, ALL sides of building are open.. after 5PM, I noticed that only two are open (Milam St & Travis St). The first few times I had to walk around like I was lost to find my way. Just keep this in mind. Other than that, this garage is quiet, quite safe, and easy to get in and out.
- Leslie L.
 - This facility is not machine operated, and the attendants will try and charge you more than you owe. I parked my car at 6pm and left at 9am the following morning. The attendant said I owed $22. It took 25 minutes of arguing and a receipt from when I parked there the day before for them to admit I only owed $12.
- Jackie W.
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