One South Church

Underjordisk Parkeringsplads
495 Pladser • $$$$
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55 W Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85701, US
(858) 587-8888
One South Church
55 W Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85701, US
(858) 587-8888
Underjordisk Parkeringsplads
One South Church
55 W Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85701, US
One South Church


One South Church
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Overdækket parkering
Parking Lighting
Kreditkort accepteret
Parker & lås
Bygningens adresse
1 S Church Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701, US
Type Non-restricted
Samlet antal pladser 495
Operatør LAZ Parking
Bedøm denne plads

 - Worst Parking Garage Ever!!! Wish I could give less than one stars. Constant construction, only one way lane entrance and one lane exit. Tight parking and turns for different levels. Cars are constantly backed up trying to exit. Security is never around to help when gate not working, which is all the time. The garage is shared by the apartment, tallest office building in Tucson and now a hotel. No cell service or wifi on lower level so good luck if you need to call for help, its a liability.
- James B.
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