4113 N Clarendon Ave Parking

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83 Plazas • $$$$
5 Reviews
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4113 N Clarendon Ave
Chicago, IL 60613, US
(312) 265-6943
4113 N Clarendon Ave Parking
4113 N Clarendon Ave
Chicago, IL 60613, US
(312) 265-6943
(773) 878-1111
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4113 N Clarendon Ave Parking
4113 N Clarendon Ave
Chicago, IL 60613, US
4113 N Clarendon Ave Parking


Reservation Details
4113 N Clarendon Ave Parking


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Billetes, Moneda, Tarjeta De Débito , Mc/Visa, Pago Por Móvil
Horas de Operación
24 Horas

Tipo Non-restricted
No. de Plazas 83
Total Handicap Spaces 3
Operador Black & White Valet

Monthly Parking Avialable
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 - I purchased parking for this lot yesterday during the Cubs/Brewers tiebreaker. My son and I showed up to the lot to park, only to find no spots and 5 other people in the same situation as us. Very disappointed! We missed the first two innings, because we to find other parking! I would not recommend purchasing parking ahead of time! -Disappointed baseball fan
- J W.
 - Someone hit my car and I can’t get a hold of anyone on their contact number
- A P.
 - Prices for monthly parking are outrageous, $240 for monthly! These spots are outdoors and theres parking garages a block away (covered and heated) for 150$ a month. They are greedy and ripping people off left and right.
- David E.
 - The receipt printer on the machine never works, you're better off using the website or one of the apps. Also, if you need your car in the morning, be prepared to wait in line with the folks dropping their kids off at school.
- Patrick G.
 - Great location for going to a Cubs game...clean, secure and affordable parking option.
- Douglas M.
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